Philiz Goh

RN, MN, CON(C), Facilitator

Philiz began her nursing career in a surgical oncology inpatient unit at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and moved into the outpatient setting to care for breast cancer patients in all stages of their cancer journey, including medical, surgical, radiation, survivorship and palliative. She has been involved with research in oncology at the Odette Cancer Centre since 2006, which was pivotal in inspiring her to become a nurse and fueling her passion for Oncology. She is certified in Oncology with the Canadian Nurses Association and has a Masters of Nursing in Health Systems Leadership and Administration from the University of Toronto. Philiz has been nominated by her colleagues for the prestigious Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Boehringer Ingelheim Oncology Nurse of the Year Award in 2014 for demonstrating the highest level of nursing excellence, leadership, advocacy, and patient engagement and has been awarded the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario President’s Award for Leadership in Clinical Nursing in 2015. She is currently an advanced practice nurse educator at the de Souza Institute. Philiz has always believed in teaching and mentoring nurses and other health professionals to provide the best quality patient care for people and their caregivers experiencing cancer.