News Archive: Page 5 of 24

WHO Year of the Nurse – de Souza Nightingale Series – Stephanie Ouellette

February 20, 2020

Introducing our second Nightingale series feature, Stephanie Ouellette from the Jack Ady Cancer Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta: Looking at all your accomplishments throughout your career, if you could go back in time what advice would you give to yourself after your first year on the job? I would tell myself that the “sky is the … Read more

WHO Year of the Nurse – de Souza Nightingale Series – Janny Proba

February 4, 2020 |

2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Her legacy as the founder of modern nursing continues to influence nurses and improve patient care worldwide. To celebrate this anniversary the World Health Organization has declared 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Taking inspiration from her moniker as The Lady with … Read more

2020 New Year’s Message

January 7, 2020 |

A year can be described as being 12 months, 52 weeks or 365 days, but a New Year can be described as a celebration, a fresh start or an opportunity. 2020 can be all of that and more. More, because this leap year we are given an extra day to do something new, bold or … Read more

Warm Holiday Wishes from de Souza Institute

December 19, 2019 |

As the days pass and we bring a close to 2019, the end of the year gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on all our partnerships and interactions with our learners, faculty and staff. 2019 was a remarkable year with many advancements in treatment and hard work on our courses to roll out … Read more

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Jane Esplen, recipient of the Henry Durost Award for Excellence in Creative Professional Activity, University of Toronto.

November 28, 2019 |

Dr. Esplen is recognized for her accomplishment in a leadership role in the Department of Psychiatry, UofT as well as in the de Souza Institute at UHN. She developed an evaluation framework for the Creative Professional Activity (CPA) and championed CPA as an academic pursuit and career choice, in her role as Vice-Chair, Basic and … Read more

Meet Mark Kocsis – St. Joseph’s first-ever de Souza Nurse Associate

October 24, 2019

The last few years in Mark Kocsis’ life have been busy, to say the least. Kocsis graduated from Ryerson University’s nursing program in June 2017, and by November of that year, had begun his career on the Medicine, Oncology and Palliative Care (6M) unit at St. Joseph’s Health Centre. All the while, Kocsis was fueling … Read more