Home de Souza Designations de Souza APN APN/Scholar Fellowship – A

APN/Scholar Fellowship – A

In order to obtain the de Souza APN Designation, a 150 hour clinical component (Part A) must be completed within the first 6 months of the clinical fellowship. A research/evaluation project (Part B) is required in addition to the 150 hours of clinical components. Below are the steps in order to obtain a clinical fellowship.

Part A – Clinical Component

Step 1: Submit a proposal.

A proposal that outlines the clinical focus and location of the fellowship along with plans for integration to practice. Click here for the proposal application. Within the proposal application, you will need to submit a letter of intent. Here is an example of a letter of intent. Please note that clinical fellowship proposals are reviewed promptly by the de Souza Designation Review Committee. You will receive feedback on your proposal within three weeks of submission.

Step 2: Develop a learning plan.

A learning plan that clearly outlines the goals and objectives for the clinical fellowship. This will include a description of how learning will be applied to your work setting on return. Here is a sample learning plan.

Step 3: Identify a mentor.

The role of the mentor or clinical coach is to support the fellow as they progress through the clinical fellowship. The fellowship proposal has to be reviewed with and approved by the mentor. To support the fellows and their mentors, de Souza Institute offers the Mentorship Resources and career development tools. If you do not have identified mentors, the de Souza Designation Review Committee will recommend a list of potential mentors for you to contact. You are expected to connect with mentors, obtain confirmation on the mentorship and include the mentor in the development and approval of the fellowship proposal. If accepted into the de Souza fellowship program, you will be expected to meet with your mentor regularly either in person or telephone throughout the length of the fellowship.

Step 4: Obtain a confirmation letter.

Your employer (manager or director) must write a letter of support for your fellowship. It could include support to release you from work responsibilities from the clinical area for the specified time to meet objectives of the placement.

Step 5: Participation in clinical fellowship placement.

A clinical placement should be four weeks or a total of 150 hours. The financial support of $2,000 from de Souza Institute will lessen the financial impact of taking time off from your existing paid work to carry out the fellowship. However, it is not meant to offset all costs associated with the fellowship. Your commitment of your own time, as well as support from your employer will be required to ensure the success of the fellowship.

Final Step: Submit a clinical component final report

Once you have completed the 150 hours of the clinical placement, you must submit a final report. This must be done within two weeks of completion of your clinical experience. To complete the report, fill out the following Clinical Fellowship placement report after completing your clinical hours and submit it to support@desouzainstitute.com.

Part B – Evaluation / Research Project